Session 3: Building the Platform for Economic Recovery

2010 Conference >> Session 1|Session 2|Session 3|Session 4
Friday 22 January 2010

This session will explore strategic issues arising in repositioning regional and national economies to recover from the current economic context.
9.50 Welcome by Chair  audio

Economic Development in the Dublin City Region   (PDF)

Patricia Potter, Director, Dublin Regional Authority

10.00 Spatial and Enterprise Strategies: The Key Linkages (Abstract) (PDF) audio

Celine McHugh, Enterprise Policy Department, Forfás

10.20 The Role of Infrastructure in Economic Recovery  (Abstract) (PDFaudio

Martin Spollen, Strategic Advisor, Strategic Investment Board (NI)

10.40 Stimulating Social and Economic Regeneration at the Local Level: The Necessary Ingredients  (Abstract) (PDF) audio

Brian Murray, Chief Executive, Workspace Group

11.00 Round-Table Discussions / Q&A  audio

11.30 Refreshments

Online Follow-up Discussion

1. What are the growth sectors in the Irish and Northern Irish economies that have the potential to create sustainable enterprise & employment and thus ensure that employment targets are established?
2. What are the competitive and other advantages of the island of Ireland that can be used as a platform for employment and enterprise growth?
3. What role does access to infrastructure and integrated land-use strategies play in enhancing the competitiveness of the island of Ireland economy? And where are the opportunities for North / South