The ICLRD is proud to announce the launch of a new website dedicated to exploring shared services among local governments. This website has been developed as part of the EU INTERREG IVA Programme, Cross-Border Spatial Planning and Training Network (CroSPlaN II), which is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.
Developed to reflect the changing competencies of local government, and the growing emphasis being placed on the sharing of resources, expertise and costs, this website provides access to a range of case studies, model agreements, and reference documents.  It also includes a number of submissions by participants in the ICLRD’s ‘Shared Services Learning Network’ which is operating across the island of Ireland. Together, this range of resources will help inform key decision- and policy- makers, as well as practitioners, about the modalities and benefits of adopting a shared services approach in a range of service domains, including:

  • Emergency Services (e.g.: emergency planning, fire, EMS)
  • Arts, Heritage and Culture (e.g.: cultural heritage conservation)
  • Parks and Recreation (e.g.: cross-border nature parks, wildlife programmes)
  • Tourism (e.g.: trans-boundary authorities and promotion of tourist attractions)
  • Specialised Services (e.g.: regional health authorities, cooperative purchasing).

The resources available through this site highlight cross-border and trans-boundary cases, agreements, and examples of shared services and emphasises “front-line” services (as opposed to back office functions). The service areas explored here have been determined by a cross-border shared services working group involving local, regional and central government representatives from across the island of Ireland, and takes into consideration the various functions and responsibilities of local councils on the island of Ireland.
The Shared Services project is one of the key projects under the wider Ireland-Northern Ireland Cross-Border Cooperation Observatory (INICCO II) Programme.
For more information, visit the site at