The International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD) is delighted to announce the publication of a series of reports on cross-border and inter-jurisdictional planning and governance. The first three reports in the series have been undertaken as part of the ICLRD’s EU-Funded initiative, CroSPlaN. Funded under INTERREG IVA, and administered by the Special EU Programmes Body, this three-year programme promotes the development of a cross-border planning network by enhancing and promoting the opportunities that exist for collaboration and addressing identified areas of need.

The first report in the series, All Change But Any Alignment? The Impact of the Proposed Governance and Planning Reforms Across the Island of Ireland on Inter-Jurisdictional Planning, was published at the end of June 2010. This report considers the implications of the proposed governance and spatial planning reforms in both jurisdictions on future collaboration. The report can be downloaded from here.
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The second report in the series, Regional Planning in the Boston Metropolitan Area, was published in October 2010. With its focus on the greater Boston Area, this case study provides practitioners, policy makers and academics involved in cross-border and inter-jurisdictional cooperation with practical examples of how cooperation, in local and regional development, can be shaped by collaborative efforts. The report can be downloaded from here.
The third report in the series, The Basel Metropolitan Area: Three Borders – One Metropolitan Area, was published in December 2010. The last of the three reports financed under the CroSPlaN Initiative, this study focuses on the Trinational Eurodistrict Basel (TEB), a region with strong cross-border functional linkages and a history of developing joint projects and co-ordination mechanisms. The report can be downloaded from here.

These international case studies provide illustrations of good practice for emerging cross-border cooperation in spatial planning at the sub-regional level that are pertinent to the Irish border region, including the Newry-Dundalk Twin City Region; the North-West Gateway which includes Londonderry/Derry and Letterkenny; and the Central Border Region.

The fourth report, Collaborative Communities: Co-operation among Rural Municipalities – Insights from Spain, was published in February 2011. Funded by the Higher Education Authority (HEA), and focusing on cross-municipality collaboration, this report compliments the other three in the series; offering as it does practical insights and good practices for the ongoing governance reforms in both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland. The report considers the Mancomunidades in Spain, voluntary associations of municipalities who cooperate among themselves to deliver services in an effective and cost-efficient manner. The report can be downloaded from here.