Title: Shared Services Across Local Government – Sharing International Experiences |
Publication Date: March 2012 |
Team: Dr. Deborah Peel, Dr. Brendan O’Keeffe, Kendra Leith, Linda Shi, Karen Keaveney
Funding: CroSPlaN Initiative, an INTERREG IVA funded-project which is being administered by the SEUPB. |
Summary: The shared services agenda has become a priority for both administrations on the island of Ireland. This report explores international experiences offering insights for policymakers and practitioners in central government departments and local government. The four case studies included in this paper are: Glasgow and the Clyde Valley in Scotland, Mancomunidades in the Asturias Region of Spain, New York’s Shared Services Programme, and Local Government Restructuring and Realignment in Ontario, Canada. |