Title: The Role of Development and Area Plans in Economic Growth and Regeneration
Venue: Armagh City Hotel, Armagh
Date: 26 June 2014
Access the seminar programme here

With the ongoing reform of local government in both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland, and the new responsibilities of Local Authorities in terms of spatial planning, regeneration and service delivery through community planning, this seminar will address the role that local government can play in economic growth and regeneration through the development and implementation of effective Development and Area Plans.
During the course of this one-day event, themes that will be discussed include:
• An overview of the current Local Government Reform Processes, North and South, with a particular emphasis on spatial planning and visioning for the future;
• The need for greater alignment between economic development, regeneration and spatial planning;
• Developing effective Development Plans / Area Plans, and considering their linkages to Community Planning;
• Nurturing a professional working relationship between council officials, elected representatives and other key stakeholders; and
• The practicalities of operating within the spatial planning system, with an emphasis on the development plan process.
This seminar was made possible thanks to the support of the Department of the Environment, Northern Ireland and the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, Republic of Ireland.
To register for the seminar, which is free-of-charge, please email your name, organisation and job title/position to Carol Dunbar at Co-operation Ireland – cdunbar@cooperationireland.org