The new All-Island HP Deprivation Index, presenting a consisted area-based deprivation measure for the island of Ireland based on the 2011 censuses, is now accessible to researchers, policymakers and others concerned with socio-economic issues in the Irish cross-border context. The Deprivation Index is a joint project developed by Trutz Haase and Dr Jonathan Pratschke, in collaboration with the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD) and the All-Island Research Observatory (AIRO), and can be explored here.

The Index draws upon a combined set of equivalent indicators from Ireland and Northern Ireland, including from the 2011 censuses in both jurisdictions, to form a single deprivation measure for the island. It provides a powerful tool for researchers and policymakers interested in understanding and seeking to reduce the social gradient that characterises a multiplicity of different outcomes in the economic, social and political spheres on the island.

A detailed narrative on the methodology and concepts used to construct the Deprivation Index, and observations on interpreting the data, can be further explored here.

The All-Island HP Deprivation Index was developed under the Evidence Based Planning theme of the Cross-Border Spatial Planning and Training Network (CroSPlaN II) programme managed by the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD). CroSPlaN II forms part of the wider Ireland-Northern Ireland Cross-Border Cooperation Observatory (INICCO), led by the Centre for Cross Border Studies (CCBS), funded by the Special EU Programmes Body under EU INTERREG IVA.

The Deprivation Index work has also been part financed by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG).