You are invited to attend the fourth Shared Services Learning Network event on Wednesday 14th January 2015 in the Boardroom of the Utility Regulator
, Queens House, 14 Queen Street, 
Belfast, 3pm – 5pm.

The workshop will be addressed by Andrew McClelland (ICLRD Research Associate), who will explore a range of cooperation instruments available to facilitate cross-border cooperation, including in shared services. Barry Lowry (Director of IS Shared Services and Strategy, NICS Head of ICT Profession), will draw on his extensive experience of implementing shared services within the Northern Ireland civil service.

The speakers will illustrate their presentations with specific examples of cooperation on shared services between public bodies, including local cases from the island of Ireland. The workshop will be informal and participatory, and attendees will have the opportunity to discuss issues pertinent to their own organisations.

Registration for this workshop, which is free-of-charge, is essential for catering purposes. Please email Andrew McClelland to book your place –

This workshop forms part of the Cross-Border Spatial Planning and Training Network (CroSPlaN II) programme managed by the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD), funded by the Special EU Programmes Body under EU INTERREG IVA.