The Executive Training and Animation Programme for cross-border region councils, using the successful ICLRD model linking training and animation developed under CroSPlaN I, targeted the 22 Councils involved in the three local authority-led cross-border networks, namely:

  • Irish Central Border Area Network (ICBAN);
  • North West Region Cross Border Group; and
  • East Border Region Ltd.

The programme was delivered through a programme of plenary sessions, seminars, discussion forums and working groups.

As demonstrated in CroSPlaN I, this programme has improved the quality of cross-border cooperation and provided a critical forum to bring together cross-border councils, selected cross-border bodies and central government departments to support joint solutions supported by collaborative agreements.

The programme consisted of 10 modules; with post module reports to be prepared for the initial five plenary sessions. Modules 1-5 involved all councils that make up the three cross-border networks mentioned above. The modules were organised and delivered through a mix of seminars and working group discussions, with issues such as territorial cooperation, community planning, public sector reform, efficiency agendas and customer-centric governance lying at the heart of the programme.

Post-Module Reports for Modules 1-5

Please see the training website for more information on the modules and various readings