In December 2020, the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD) and Co-operation Ireland jointly launched the proceedings of its 2019 conference, Death from Nostalgic Sentiment Or A New Narrative for Rural Ireland?. This 1-day conference, held in September 2019, considered the concept of nostalgic sentiment and the extent to which it can ‘colour’ rural development policy.  As noted in the Proceeding’s ‘Introduction’ by Mr. Eugene Cummins of Roscommon County Council and Ms. Mary MacIntyre OBE, Chair of ICLRD, “Too often, governance has been disjointed, and the vision for rural Ireland has been blurred by the mists of nostalgia, and false perceptions…., OCD reports, and indeed the ongoing work of  the ICLRD, have demonstrated the merits of place-based strategies that recognise diversity, and focus on the potential of places…Through our networking and collaborative engagements, we can collectively promote the mainstreaming of best practices, so that all tiers of government take a visionary approach to rural development that is rooted in realities and gives effect to the principles of sustainable development”.   This document provides a synopsis of each of the papers delivered during the course of the day, and offers clear, robust and insightful and constructive evidence, analysis and signposts to government and civil society.

To read document, click Cooperation Ireland ICLRD Death Nostalgic Sentiment Proceedings