Dr. Ainhoa Gonzalez is an Assistant Professor in the School of Geography, University College Dublin, and the Head of School of Teaching and Learning. She has a PhD in Environmental Planning and her research focuses on the contribution of spatial data and GIS to environmental planning and sustainable development. This includes the development of pragmatic methodologies in support of sustainable development, and geographically-explicit indicators to assist assessment and monitoring processes associated with land-use planning and decision-making.
She has collaborated in a number of national and international research projects, funded by the EPA, SEAI, INTERREG, ESPON and FP7. She is currently the leading investigator of an EPA-funded project that seeks to develop an online environmental sensitivity mapping tool to support Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) processes in Ireland. Ainhoa has published a number of guidance manuals on SEA for the Environmental Protection Agency. In 2019, Ainhoa together with colleagues in AIRO developed and launched the Environmental Sensitivity Mapping Tool – see https://www.enviromap.ie/ . She is a board member of the International Association for Impact Assessment’s UK-Ireland branch, and the regional delegate of the Spanish Association for Impact Assessment. She is also a member of the international editorial review board of the Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (JEAPM) and Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal (IAPA). Research Interests: Environmental policy, planning and decision-making; Impact assessment; Geospatial analysis; Decision-support tools; Public participation and engagement. Contact: ainhoa.gonzalez@ucd.ie Institutional Profile: http://www.ucd.ie/research/people/geography/drainhoagonzalezdelcampo/ |
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