9 November 2006
The one-day conference on “Implementing a Framework for Collaborative Action: Spatial Strategies on the Island of Ireland” took place on Thursday, November 9th in Newry. As part of this event, the report Spatial Strategies on the Island of Ireland: Development of a Framework for Collaborative Action was launched. This report was prepared by ICLRD and commissioned by InterTradeIreland on behalf of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in Dublin and the Department for Regional Development in Belfast. The report outlines measures to better align spatial planning, infrastructure and cross-border projects to support long-term economic competitiveness, and has been endorsed by the Joint Communiqueacute of the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference. Both Governments have now committed to developing a framework for collaborative action between the two existing spatial strategies on the Island.
The opening speakers were Mr Dick Roche TD, Irish Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, and Mr Gerry McGinn, Permanent Secretary of the Northern Ireland Department of Regional Development. Other speakers included the prominent Dublin architect Mr Sean O’Laoire, the property developer Mr Gerard O’Hare, and senior planning officials from both Irish jurisdictions and from the European Commission.
A key focus of the conference on November 9th was an examination of (a) the range of regional and local spatial planning initiatives for key development areas identified in the existing spatial strategies and (b) the role of the business community and private sector in inter-jurisdictional development.
Conference Presentations and Documents
Background and Purpose
Conference Programme
Introduction and Contextual Perspective – Professor James Walsh
ICLRD Report Findings and Recommendations – Professor Jim Berry and Mr. Brendan Bartley
Proposed Frameworks for Action – Mr. Mike Thompson and Mr. Niall Cussin
Financier’s Perspective on Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Provision – Mr. Henry Elvin
Developer’s Perspective on Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Provision – Dr. Gerard O’Hare
Managing Growth Through Spatial Planning: Learning from International Experience – Mr. John Driscoll
The Role of Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière in Documenting and Supporting Cross-Border Initiatives in France – Ms. Silvia Keckeis
Institutional Perspective – Mr. Michael McLoone
Developing the Ulster-Connaught Corridor: A Spatial Planning Perspective – Dr. Chris Boomer
All-Island and Cross-Border Data – Professor Rob Kitchin