2011 Conference >> Session 1|Session 2|Session 3|Session 4

conference2011-coverICLRD Sixth Annual Conference: Doing More with Less – Challenge and /or Opportunity?

The International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD) has just hosted its Sixth Annual Conference on the 20-21 January 2011 in the Radisson BLU Hotel, Ballincar, Sligo. Attended by 110 people representing central, regional and local government, elected representatives, policy-makers, cross-border networks, community activists, academics and representatives of the business community, the theme of this event was The Changing Business, Community and Spatial Planning Landscape: Doing More with Less
Sponsored by the Special EU Programmes Body, the conference was organised around four sessions:
Opening and Session 1: Planning for Economic Recovery and Sustainable Growth
Session 2: Planning for Homes and People: New Challenges, New Agendas
Session 3: Planning for Shared Innovation: Infrastructure to Support Innovation-Led Recovery
Session 4: A Changing Landscape: Networking, Collaborating and Achieving Greater Efficiencies.
Recognising that the past twelve months have represented a time of significant change for the island of Ireland, the conference focused on the changing budgetary, legislative and policy landscape, and the practical realities of reduced budgets. It debated the need for implementing a period of austerity and the opportunities this can create for renaissance and resurgence.
Presentations and audio from the conference can be downloaded from the Session links above. Also available for download are the Conference Programme and the Post-Conference Report.
As part of the conference, the inaugural edition of the ICLRD’s new journal, Borderlands: The Journal of Spatial Planning in Ireland, was launched by Anne Barrington and Mary Bunting, Joint Secretaries of the North South Ministerial Council. Copies of the journal are available by contacting Eimear Donnelly, Project Administrator at (028) 3751 1550 or on eimear.donnelly@qub.ac.uk

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* See more conference photos *